When I was younger, I was told that I could rely on our government because the United...
Your house is on fire. All of your friends, family and neighbors are watching it become engulfed...
During spring break, I did absolutely nothing and, in all honesty, I think it might have been...
Do you ever look out into the night and remember the moon is a giant chunk of...
A force moves us all. A force you cannot see but is there to comfort you when...
America, the land of the free. Land of the people who have absolute free will to do...
About three weeks ago, my paternal grandma almost had a heart attack. Fortunately, she was taken to...
Whenever I see a father-daughter relationship, I always ask myself, “How would it feel to be treated...
How do you feel at this very moment? Are you at peace and comfortable? The alternative is...
Growing up, I hated all things girly. I was the epitome of a tomboy. I discovered early...