“I feel like we’re doing pretty well. I feel, like, business is better than it’s ever been,...
Vaquero Voice
“Yo pienso que es bueno que están tratando de traer más atención a este problema, porque ya...
“I don’t really have a woman, or if anything, I would say my mom. Not, like, anyone...
“I’m going to be working all of Spring Break on [South Padre] Island. I just do henna...
“Nothing. Everything’s fine. Pretty safe. No suspicious activities. I feel really safe [on] campus. There’s nothing that...
“Honestly, I’ve heard about [Charro Days] and I’ve gone to it one time and it...
“Esto es para todos mis amigos. En este 14 de febrero, quiero darles las gracias por...
“Pienso que [está] bien porque el colegio se está haciendo más grande y lo están reconociendo más...
“Well, I do appreciate African-Americans and what they have done for us in the past, and what...
“My opinion about Time’s Up is that it’s a good initiative to get things started on women’s...