“My New [Year’s] resolution will be really to help out those that have been in the [graduate]...
Vaquero Voice
“La vida del estudiante nunca acaba porque la vida es un aprender constante. Mi recomendación es que...
“Well, this is my first semester here, so it was really different from coming, like, into high...
“So, it was 12 midnight, I had to turn in an assignment in two days. But, the...
“I think it’s something that should be done. We should control guns just as we control alcohol...
“I think he didn’t have a really, a right to get mad, because he is like a...
“Well, I think, well, we should keep DACA, you know, the program, because it’s a really–it...
“It’s a great week where students can get to know the university life and a great week...
“The only thing, I guess [I] wouldn’t like, is all the construction that’s going on [in Edinburg]....
“I don’t mind paying for all that stuff. I think the money should be put...