Members of UTeach include (front row from left) President Jonathan Bolivar, Treasurer Nayla Esquivel, Volunteer Coordinator Rubi Perez and Anthony Ramos. Back row: Juan Acosta, Historian Virginia Sauceda, Nancy Halasz, Social Coordinator Liliana Duarte and Jimmy Hernandez. MARIO GONZALEZ/ THE RIDER
Name: UTeach
Purpose: To promote the success of STEM pre-service teachers in the UTeach program at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley and excellence in mathematics and science education.
President: Jonathan Bolivar
Vice President: Yazmin Reyes
Secretary: Marisol Cortez
Treasurer: Nayla Esquivel
Historian: Virginia Sauceda
Publicity Coordinator: Michelle Ramirez
Social Coordinator: Liliana Duarte
Volunteer Coordinator: Rubi Perez
Awards: University Inner Circle
Adviser: Liliana Treviño, UTeach assistant professor in practice.
Activities: Social events, fundraising and community service.
Meetings: 12:15 p.m. Thursdays.
Membership requirements: Must be a math or science major in the UTeach program.
For more information, email:Bolivar at jonathan.bolivar01@utrgv.edu
–Compiled by Monica Gudiño