Name: Bilingual Education Student Organization
Purpose: To serve as a professional association for people interested in the education of bilingualism. The organization creates advocates for bilingual education that will support childrenโs culture, language and heritage. BESO provides professional development and community service opportunities.
President: Erika Martinez
Vice President: Lamberto Quintero
Secretary: Lezly Gonzalez
Treasurer: Eric Rodriguez
Vice President of Professional Development: Rosa Puga
Vice President of Community Service: Raquel Perez
Public Relations Officer: San Juanita Puga
Social Chair: Estefania Salas
Historian: Daniela Rodriguez
Parliamentarian: Cristina Ortiz
Co-President of Rio Grande City: Kathia Gonzalez
Co-President of Brownsville: Rita Salazar
Advisers: Associate Professor Joy Esquierdo and Associate Professor Michael Whitacre
Meetings: 12:15-1:15 p.m. Tuesdays in Education Complex 2.216 on the Edinburg campus, noon to 1 p.m. Tuesdays on the Brownsville campus (location to be announced), and from 7-8 p.m. Wednesdays in room 1.108 on the Rio Grande City campus.
Membership requirements: Must be a current student at UTRGV.
For more information, email: erika.martinez01@utrgv.edu or lamberto.quintero01@utrgv.edu.
–Compiled by Lesley Robles