"Members of the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association include (from left) Ivon Ramirez, Kristina De Leon, Nicole Rivas, Patricia Mejorado, Valeria Treviño, Alexandria Rosas, Glenda Maldonado, Arely Ramirez and Elizabeth Molina. LESLEY ROBLES/THE RIDER"
Name: National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA)
Purpose: A pre-professional organization that gives students who are interested in the field of speech-language pathology and audiology the opportunity to be involved with the community and to learn more about their future careers.
President: Ivon Ramirez
Vice President: Kristina De Leon
Secretary: Nicole Rivas
Treasurer: Patricia Mejorado
Co-Treasurer: Valeria Treviño
Historian: Alexandra Rosas
Co-Historian: Glenda Maldonado
Liaison: Arely Ramirez
Senior Representative: Elizabeth Molina
Junior Representative: Karla Nieto
Adviser: Sonia Salinas M.A., CCC-SLP
Activities: Fundraising and volunteering at HESTEC, Special Olympics, Arbor View nursing home, Feast of Sharing, Step Up for Down Syndrome Awareness Walk, Walk for ALS.
Meetings: 12:15 p.m. Thursdays in HSHW 1.406 in Edinburg. Meeting dates are announced via email and on the NSSLHA
social media sites.
Membership requirements: Completion and submission of NSSLHA membership packet, payment of dues and registration through our V-Link homepage.
For more information, email: nsslha_utrgv@utrgv.edu.
–Compiled by Lesley Robles