Members of the Pre-Dental Society include Nick Richards (from left), Dakota Miller, Gianncarlo Cruz, Katie de Leon, Daisy Salinas and Javier Vassell. LESLEY ROBLES/ THE RIDER
Name: Pre-Dental Society at UTRGV
Purpose: The Pre-Dental Society at UTRGV aims to help students interested in the dental field by promoting community involvement, dental-related educational events and the opportunity to visit select dental schools in Texas.
President: Gianncarlo Cruz
Vice President: Dakota Miller
Treasurer: Nicolas Richards
Historian: Katie de Leon
Public Relations: Javier Vassell
Event Coordinator: Daisy Salinas
Adviser: Biology Professor Scott Gunn
Activities: Volunteers at dental conferences, panels and lectures; performs community service, including city-sponsored parades and trash cleanups; and fundraises for its end-of-year trip to the San Antonio and Houston dental schools.
Meetings: 12:15 to 1 p.m. every second and fourth Thursday of the month in SCNE 2.106.
Membership requirements: $30 annual dues
For more information, email: predentalsociety.utrgv@gmail.com
–Compiled by Lesley Robles