Throughout this academic year, The Rider will explore the student organizations at UTRGV. This is the ninth in our series. The Rider interviewed Pedro Reyna, president of the Society for Human Resource Management, for information.
Name: Society for Human Resource Management
President: Pedro Reyna
Vice President: Bobby Cerda
Treasurer: Joseph De La Garza
Secretary: Renee Martinez
Corporate Relations Director: Claudette Segura
Public Relations Director: Isaiah Cruz
Event Coordinator: Roman Villarreal
Marketing Director: Robert Partida
Historian: Saray Gasperin
Adviser: Lecturer II Marco Garza
What is the purpose of the Society for Human Resource Management? “Well, S.H.R.M., for short, is a student organization under the College of Business. Its main focus is the human resource field. However, it’s just improving that field in general. However, we’re open to all majors. Just because you believe that the opportunities that arise from being a member, you know, you [can also] benefit everyone else.”
What activities does the Society for Human Resource Management perform? “One of the main things that we focus on this semester, and previous semesters, is community involvement. So, it’s something that we are heavily invested in. The biggest community event that we have and that we take pride in is our partnership with PSJA ISD and Workforce Solutions Spring 2018. What we did is the S.H.R.M. student chapter here at UTRGV [and] our S.H.R.M. members held mock interviews with the graduating seniors at the PSJA [ISD]. We headed out to four of their high schools and we held mock interviews with the kids. That was great.”
When and where do the Society for Human Resource Management’s general meetings take place? “The meetings take place Tuesdays in the College of Business [ECOBE], Room 123, at 12:15 p.m.”
What are the membership requirements? “Well, I mean, we really have no membership requirements. We just want people that want to be heavily invested in our organization and the benefits that come are dependent on the work that you put in, really. So, just hardworking people and people who want to excel in life in general.”
For more information, email: or
Facebook: Society for Human Resource Management Student Chapter in Edinburg
–Compiled by Joahana Segundo