Members of the Society of Physics Students include Wahltyn Andre Rattray (from left), Jing Luo, President Daniel Casas, Kayla Marie Maya and Secretary Cindy Ybarra. COURTESY PHOTO
Name: Society of Physics Students-Brownsville
Purpose: To endorse the study and promotion of physics for the benefit of students at UTRGV; to advocate ethics and professionalism among all members of the society of physics students at UTRGV; and to teach the community the importance of science in the field of physics.
President: Daniel Casas
Vice President: Michael De Anda
Secretary and Treasurer: Cindy Ybarra
Junior Adviser: Wahltyn Andre Rattray
Adviser: Joey Shapiro Key, director of education and outreach for the Center for Gravitational Wave Astronomy.
Activities: RiSA (Rio Grande Science and Arts Festival), community days and outreaches.
Meetings: 1 p.m. Tuesdays in Rusteberg Hall 205
For more information email: sps.utrgv.president@gmail.com
–Compiled by Monica Gudiño