Breakfast is the most important meal of the day but as college students we sometimes don’t give it the importance we should.
“On average, breakfast skippers snack more often, eat more sugary, high-fat snacks, drink more soda, are morelikely to overeat at night, and are more often overweight or obese than breakfast eaters,” according to an article by Tracey
Neithercott on the American Diabetes Association website.
Here are two fast and rich-flavored smoothies you might want to try as healthy alternatives.
Berry Oatmeal Smoothie
● 1 banana
● 12 frozen strawberries
● 1⁄2 cup rolled oats
● 1 tsp. vanilla extract
● 1 cup almond milk, unsweetened
or whole, soy or coconut milk
Sweetener options:
● Raw honey (2 tsp.)
● Stevia (1 packet)
● Sugar (11⁄2 tsp.)
Add about 12-16 almonds or 1⁄2 cup of plain Greek yogurt for extra protein and flavor.
Substitute strawberries with raspberries and milk for orange juice for a whole new smoothie.