Roberto Lee, CEO of Four Loko MX, speaks to students about becoming an entrepreneur during an event Nov. 13 in Salón Cassia on the Brownsville campus. The International Business and Entrepreneurship Student Association and Accounting Society hosted an entrepreneur talk in observance of “Global Entrepreneurship Week.” Sofía Cantú Sauceda/THE RIDER Sebastian Melendez (right), International Business and Entrepreneurship Student Association vice president of marketing, asks Roberto Lee, CEO of Four Loko MX, a question about being an entrepreneur and the hardships that come with the position of chief executive officer on Nov. 13 in Salón Cassia on the Brownsville campus. Sofía Cantú Sauceda/THE RIDER Roberto Lee, CEO of Four Loko MX, was the guest speaker for the International Business and Entrepreneurship Student Association and the Accounting Society’s event in observance of Global Entrepreneurship Week. The event was held Nov. 13 in Salón Cassia on the Brownsville campus. Sofía Cantú Sauceda/THE RIDER Cybersecurity sophomore Edison Amigon asks Roberto Lee, CEO of Four Loko MX, “How do you keep up with youth, more in the aspect of how do you still know how to reach them and sell to them?” during an event Nov. 13 in Salón Cassia on the Brownsville campus. Sofía Cantú Sauceda/THE RIDER Roberto Lee, CEO of Four Loko MX, speaks to UTRGV students during the International Business and Entrepreneurship Student Association and the Accounting Society’s event in observance of Global Entrepreneurship Week Nov. 13 in Salón Cassia on the Brownsville campus. Sofía Cantú Sauceda/THE RIDER Ervey Gonzalez, International Business and Entrepreneurship Student Association president, and Rodrigo Chapa, vice president of operations, present Roberto Lee, CEO of Four Loko MX, with a certificate of recognition for being part of IBESA and the Accounting Society’s event in observance of Global Entrepreneurship Week Nov. 13 in Salón Cassia on the Brownsville campus. Sofía Cantú Sauceda/THE RIDER