Brigitte Ortiz | THE RIDER
The City of Brownsville’s LGBTQ+ Task Force hosted its first meeting of the year Thursday night to discuss the creation of a brand and pride committees.
Bryan L. Martinez, co-chair, said the brand committee will host a logo contest that will recognize the LGBTQ+ Task Force.
“What we are aiming to do with the brand committee is to further form an identity in our community as an LGBTQ task force and for us to be able to be recognized,” Martinez said during the meeting held via Zoom.
He said the first goal of the brand committee is to ratify the logo contest and have that first logo.
“From there, we plan to continue to find ways to identify ourselves as a task force in the City of Brownsville,” Martinez said.
Co-chair Jose Colon-Uvalles II said this is a great opportunity for any queer artist in the community to get involved.
Each participant is allowed to submit one or more logo ideas.
The brand committee will be composed of two task force members and no more than two members of the community, as authorized by the task force.
Creation of a pride committee was also discussed.
“A pride committee that will focus on, you know, starting to put together the pieces of what Pride [Month] in June may look like through the task force,” Colon-Uvalles said. “Maybe the pride flag being raised again. I know we’ve had conversations about, you know, maybe painting a rainbow crosswalk in the city, stuff like that, so we want to put that out there.”
The pride committee was approved to have no less than three members of the public and any task force member who wishes to volunteer for the purpose of coordinating.
For more information and updates, visit the BTX LGBTQ+ Community Group Facebook page.