FOMO: Basic stretch class

I  have always been anxious to attend a University Recreation class since I have never participated in one before, but, when I saw on V Link that they had a basic stretch class, I figured this could be a good start. 

When I got upstairs at the University Recreation Center on the Edinburg campus, I was kindly greeted by my instructor, Juan Antonio “Jac” Casarez, an accounting senior. We had a quick chat before the class to get an understanding of the purpose of our visit, what the class was like and just have a friendly conversation before we got started. 

I was eager to participate in the class because I have scoliosis. Though it is not as severe as many others might have, I was told by my orthopedist that as long as I watch my posture and stretch more often, I’ll be OK to avoid back pain or surgeries. 

By the end of the session, I can confidently say that the class was good enough to benefit my condition. Not only did my back feel better, but so did all of the muscles and joints in my body. 

The stretches we did felt much better than I expected, especially since, instead of counting it out, Jac would remind us to take deep breaths and to really focus on our exhalation. This practice helped me get a deeper stretch that I know will benefit me in the long run. 

The experience gave me energy for everything I had left to do in my day. It would’ve been perfect if I was planning to work out right after since the UREC doesn’t close until 9 p.m. on Thursdays. 

I didn’t have the chance to do any more physical activity after the class, but I felt relaxed. So, I was pleased to feel refreshed from an easy 45-minute class.

The stretches were not difficult to do. However, the only one that really tested my limits was the deep squat. I thought those five deep breaths would never end. But once I stood up straight again, I could feel my muscles thanking me. 

It is so important to give your muscles the attention they deserve so that they can feel better as you move throughout the day. 

Movement is so important to implement in your day-to-day life, so find some ways to make it fun. You can start just by walking a mile by yourself, or with your dog, choosing to take the stairs rather than the elevator or attending an active lesson, such as basic stretch at the University Recreation Center. 

Your body is going to thank you for the care you’re providing it and will return the favor in ways that you wouldn’t have noticed otherwise. Don’t neglect your physical health.

The classes they offer are free and are  just as effective as the ones across the Rio Grande Valley. I like our on-campus UREC classes since I don’t need to be taking “x” amount of dollars out of my pocket to attend. It is so convenient to head there at the end of the day and after my classes. I don’t need to worry about driving minutes away and if I will make it there on time. 

This basic stretch course is offered from 5:30 to 6:15 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday in person or on Zoom. To join remotely, visit V Link.

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