FOMO: K.I.S.S. Events

Abigail Ollave, The Rider’s social media editor, speaks to the Korean International Student Society president, Alejandra Garcia, a Spanish translation and interpretation sophomore, about the KPOP RANDOM DANCE event held last Thursday in the Student Academic Center on the Edinburg campus. Isabel Morales/THE RIDER

I’ve never really been into K-pop. I’ve heard a couple of songs and seen a few performances, but that interest never really stuck for long.

When I learned that we have a club on campus that introduces Korean pop culture and more, I was intrigued to give that old interest another shot. They are known as the Korean International Student Society.

On V Link, the organization’s Just Dance event was from 5:30 to 8 p.m. last Thursday in the Education Complex on the Edinburg campus, but with no room number mentioned on the post.   

Once I arrived at the building, there was no sign of an event being held. That’s when my photographer, Isabel Morales, suggested we look for an Instagram to see if they posted the event.

We found the organization’s page,, and saw that the location of the event was actually in the Student Academic Center, Room 2.130, on the Edinburg campus. We went back around to where we came from and spent another eight to 10 minutes looking for the event. 

Before entering the room, we were approached by K.I.S.S. Secretary Angie Osornia, who asked if we were here for the event and welcomed us into the room. 

Immediately, I found that it was not what I expected from V Link. Instead of being only a Just Dance social, it was a Random Dance gathering. 

Random Dance means they play a YouTube video of multiple K-pop groups doing their choreography, and we would jump into the center of the room to participate in the dance if we knew it. 

Abigail Ollave, The Rider’s social media editor, participates in a GUESS THE KPOP SONG BY THE ENGLISH PART game last Thursday in the Student Academic Center on the Edinburg campus. Isabel Morales/THE RIDER

I knew absolutely none of them, so I stood at the back of the room, observing the other participants eager to join in. Honestly, I was impressed. 

I found it so cool that they knew so many complex dances. They matched the timing and moves with the performers in the videos so well. 

It wasn’t long before the president of the club, Alejandra Garcia, announced that they would switch from random dancing to a trivia game called, “GUESS THE KPOP SONG BY THE ENGLISH PART,” where we would play for prizes. 

The same thing happened; I knew nothing. Again, I watched hands flare up anxiously waiting to be picked. 

As the songs played, I just sat in my seat, enjoying the melody of the songs.

I would love to have known more before going to the event. However, I was constantly reassured by the officers of the club that its organization is open to anyone willing to learn more about Korean pop culture.

They shared that they host other events, such as learning the choreography to K-pop songs, discussions of Korean culture, recommending K-dramas, films, or music to each other and more. 

I aim to return and be a part of those get togethers once more, and, hopefully, with more knowledge. 

K.I.S.S. meetings are held from 2 to 3 p.m. Monday through Thursday in the Education Complex Room 2.502 on the Edinburg campus. 

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