Mayela Bernal, an interdisciplinary studies in early childhood senior, tries on a graduation gown at the Grad Bash held Tuesday morning on the Edinburg campus. FERNANDO RAMIREZ/THE RIDER
Psychology senior Veronica Ramirez talks to Clarissa Salinas, a graduate assistant, about the master’s programs during Grad Bash last Thursday at the campus bookstore in Brownsville. JORGE ABUNDIZ/THE RIDER
UTRGV seniors on the Edinburg campus attend the Grad Bash at the library lobby, where they were able to get information about graduate school, buy caps, gowns and rings, and participate in activities. FERNANDO RAMIREZ/THE RIDER
Lynda Rosas, a nursing senior, poses for a photo with her raffle award last Thursday at the Grad Bash event at the campus bookstore in Brownsville. The event had other raffles and T-shirt prizes for the graduating seniors. JORGE ABUNDIZ/THE RIDER
Biology and philosophy junior Eduardo Calvillo looks at class rings and learns about payment options as he gets ready to graduate next year. FERNANDO RAMIREZ/THE RIDER