As far as I can remember, I was happy growing up. The only things I had to worry about was simple stuff that most kids worry about.
Then, after a certain age, I started to realize I was growing up and soon I had to start making my own life. I had to lay the foundation for what my life will become. Most of us have to do this at a certain point.
As my day of graduation grows closer, I begin to feel slightly more anxious. At first, I thought I was afraid of not finding a job or career afterward, and that’s certainly part of it, but I was afraid of not feeling fulfilled with my life. I was afraid of not being completely happy.
Now I realize a lot of people feel this way, too. However, now the question is how does everyone find happiness?
What makes this question so difficult to answer is a few different things. Different people find happiness in different things.
Sometimes the things that make us happy change.
What if some people find happiness traveling the world, going from place to place in a nomadic lifestyle, but someone else finds happiness settling down somewhere and building a permanent home?
Everyone has something different that makes them feel fulfilled and content.
I think something that widely brings happiness is being surrounded by your loved ones; I want to suggest to everyone reading this to tell yours how much you appreciate and think about them.
I guarantee this will make you and your loved ones happy.
There are different types of happiness and I think this is one of the most fulfilling ways to enjoy life.
Our lives revolve around achieving this feeling of joy.
Another aspect that should be considered is that in life, you won’t always be completely content or satisfied. There will always be something that could be better or something else you want.
This is why I think another important habit we should practice is changing our mentality to be appreciative of what we have.
However, you should still endeavor for more if striving for more will truly make you content. The most important things aren’t even tangible. Sometimes support, love and words of encouragement have a deeper impact on people than money.
It seems so complicated, but at the same time so easy, when I ask the question: How do you find happiness?
I can’t tell you what steps to take to be content in life, so you should do what you think will bring you long-term joy and fulfillment.
Whatever it may be that brings you joy, I hope you all find happiness.