If you could change anything about UTRGV, what would it be?

Daniel Flores
criminal justice freshman 

“One thing I would change about UTRGV is that I believe that we need more parking spaces.”

“One thing that I would change is that food would be … cheaper.”

Jose Tapia 
psychology freshman  
Karen Pliego
health freshman 

“It would be the study rooms ’cause there are, like, very little of them and we are, like, a big population in the campus, so we are always in need of more study rooms.” 

“I would change the sleeping spaces. I want more.”

Ale Perez
physics freshman 
Isabella Salazar
history sophomore 

“Something I feel that UTRGV could do for their students is implement more comfortable study spaces for us, just because I know that we have study spaces at the library, but those are taken up a lot. So, I feel like we should have more … accessibility to that.”

“What I would like to change from UTRGV is to fix [a] sink [in] Rusteberg [Hall].”

Jorge Sanchez
graphic design sophomore 

–Compiled and photos by Monica Minerva Chavez Setien and Alfredo Garcia Jr.

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