International Vision


Name: Manuel Monge Mata

Major: Music

Classification: Graduate student

Graduation date: Spring 2023

Hometown: Cartago, Costa Rica

Extracurricular activities: “Here at the university, I am participating in the EAP, Equal Arts Production, trying to do a bit of sound and music. I’ve always wanted to try acting … something tiny, at least, [to have] the experience.”

What are the differences between your hometown and the United States? “I can see it from many perspectives. Let’s start with what I think would be most important for my country, which is the ecological issue. Costa Rica is an extremely green country. The first time I left Costa Rica and the first time I arrived in the United States … getting off at an airport and not seeing mountains anywhere made me [feel] extremely insecure. It was a feeling of vulnerability. I am from the Central Valley of Costa Rica. So, [there], one looks to the north and there are mountains and one looks to the south and there are mountains. So, every day I got up and looked to one side and to the other and I saw mountains and, well, not here. At least I have seen some green parts but not as many as over there.”

What is on your bucket list? “In wishes related to my major, music, being able to have contact and conversations with musicians from different countries. Being able to talk about different perspectives on music.”

Who is your role model? “I was raised as a Catholic. Even though I am not very religious, St. Francis of Assisi and [St.] Clare de Assisi were figures that have really impacted or shaped part of who I am. Of the musicians, there are many. [Ludwig van] Beethoven [is] my favorite composer. He can be very cliche but, for me, musically, he was a genius.”

Why did you choose the major you are in? “Well, I chose to study music, I think, since I was a child. I don’t remember, [but] my parents say that in my city … there was one of the first municipal music schools. My parents say that when we went to the center of Paraíso walking … we would pass in front of the music school …  and that, apparently, I told them that I wanted to be there. That’s the story they tell me. … I’ve been in music ever since.”

What movies or shows do you like? “I really love ‘Star Wars.’ For me, ‘Star Wars’ is almost religious. I really follow everything that comes out of ‘Star Wars.’ Whether it’s good, pretty, bad or ugly, it’s still ‘Star Wars.’ … I also like anime.”

What advice would you give other international students? “Let’s split this up. The first thing is [that] you have to be open-minded. It’s not home, and when you play away, it’s not the same as playing at home. So you have to be mentally open to many situations. Eventually, you will have to experience situations that will not be the same as living at home. Second, studying abroad is an opportunity [for more than] to learn your major. Take advantage of everything, absolutely everything.”

–Compiled by Fatima Gamez Lopez

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