Name: Mario Cantarero
Major: Finance
Classification: Freshman
Graduation date: Spring 2027
Home country: Puente San Miguel, España
Extracurricular activities: “I’m on the track and field and cross-country team [at UTRGV].”
What are the differences between your hometown and the United States?
“Here, it is very hot compared [to Spain], and there is not much vegetation. Where I live, there are more, like, mountains [and] vegetation. Here, it’s all very … gridded.”
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
“I think pizza. Because if it’s good, at least it has carbohydrates and I can complement it with good food. But if I had to choose one, I’d think it would be pizza.”
What is on your bucket list?
“I would really like to travel and if I can, succeed in track and field, which I do. It would be ideal. I would like to travel to many places but, especially, in Europe. Yes, I would really like to visit Europe and some islands here in America.”
Who is your role model?
“Cristiano Ronaldo. I have always liked soccer. … I have played it all my life and I have always admired him a lot and wanted to be like him.”
Why did you choose the major you are in?
“I studied at an institute first in Spain because I liked natural sciences. But then I started to study economics, and I began to like it more.”
What’s your favorite childhood memory?
“When I went to play soccer with my father because I had a great time and with my little brother.”
What advice would you give other international students?
“Don’t be afraid. Talk to people, well, to express not your feelings, per se, but to discuss things.”
–Compiled by Fatima Gamez Lopez