JobX is UTRGV’s new hiring system that allows students and non-students to search, apply and get hired for part-time jobs on campus.
The platform was launched Feb. 12, but all departments fully transitioned to JobX on March 1.
“JobX will allow supervisors to streamline the process to post jobs, review applications, extend job offers, and decrease the time of the hire processing within one system,” its website states. “JobX will allow students and non-students to search for part-time job postings, apply for jobs and complete the hiring process.”
UTRGV employers and students can access JobX by visiting the office of Human Resources website or through myUTRGV portal.
Non-students can request access for JobX by emailing studentemployment@utrgv.edu.
Emilia Treviño, associate director of Talent Acquisition and Salary Administration for the office of Human Resources, said students and non-students will not see the same jobs on the platform.
“Most jobs are for students,” Treviño said. “So they won’t see those when you filter through the non-student jobs. Those jobs are really more than likely, they require a specialization. Like, we just hired some dental hygienists as part-time non-students because of course, a student would not be a dental hygienist.”
She encourages students who fit into the requirements for non-student job listings to apply.
“What we always say is, ‘Hey, if you’re a student, and you do meet those requirements, apply,’ and then we just change it to a student title,” Treviño said.
Asked what feedback she has received from employers and applicants, she replied it’s been “really positive.”
“I think people find it very user-friendly,” Treviño said. “I know in the beginning, everybody was a little freaked out, like, ‘Where do we go?’ … But now that it’s on myUTRGV, people can find it really easily. And like I said, people like it. They seem to say it’s very user-friendly.”
She said switching to JobX makes the hiring process smoother for employers.
“I know a lot of people like it because they don’t have to go back and forth,” Treviño said. “Because before, we would go from Handshake to the HR portal, and now it’s all in one. And a lot of people like that there’s a customization of questions feature. So, for example, if you want to ask something particular to your job, as a supervisor, you can add that as an application question, whereas with Handshake, you couldn’t.”
Handshake is still available for students on myUTRGV, but they will not be able to apply to on-campus jobs through the platform.
HR offers PowerPoints and videos for employers and applicants through its webpage to help them navigate JobX.
Treviño said part-time student employees and non-student employees will switch from PeopleSoft to TimesheetX, a platform to submit timecards and obtain approval.
However, there is no exact date of when student employees and non-student employees will transition to TimesheetX.
TimesheetX will not be available for faculty and staff.
“We are trying to make sure that before we roll out TimesheetX, everybody is comfortable with JobX,” Treviño said.“ … So as soon as, I guess, JobX is perfected, then we want to transition to TimesheetX. We don’t want to just overwhelm people and then something’s not working.”
Kimberly Rodriguez, a health senior, said she was not aware of the new hiring platform.
“Using Handshake was pretty easy,” Rodriguez said. “I was able to see other positions beyond campus, so it was pretty easy to use.”
She said it might be confusing for some people to switch from Handshake to JobX.
“I feel like it is confusing because most people are accustomed to already using one program and then, having to switch over to a whole new one, they have to learn pretty much everything,” Rodriguez said.
Brittney Castillo, a psychology freshman, also was not aware of the new program but thinks it is a good idea to switch programs.
“I have had a couple of difficulties with Handshake before, so I think JobX might be easier for searching,” Castillo said.
For more information, visit the JobX website or email studentemployment@utrgv.edu.