I know Jaden Smith became a meme after criticizing his peers and saying, “Can we talk about the political and economic state of the world right now?” but I think it’s important to discuss it.
For a generation that finds great joy in complaining, it is disheartening to see the lack of political engagement in my peers.
We are in an election year, with the presidential candidates being the same as 2020. I’ve heard many people say they have no interest in politics, as things always stay the same, but voters elect who they want to represent them. Voters have the power, not the politicians running for office. Votes secure politicians’ position in the legislature.
Voting gives people the opportunity to officially make their political stance known to the government. It allows for people to elect candidates they believe will address the ongoing conflicts within the country.
This is part of the reason I get frustrated when I notice people on social media and in my community refusing to get involved in politics because, in their opinion, “nothing will change.” To that, I argue that change did not happen by simply sitting around, it happened through years of conflict, demanding the issue be addressed and ultimately, compromise.
I get especially frustrated when I see minorities are not politically engaged, knowing they are the ones who face the most discrimination. Minority groups had to fight for the right to vote, and many people take the group sacrifices and hard work for granted.
It is important to do research on the candidates running for office in order to make educated choices on who to vote for. One piece of advice I have gotten from a professor is to ensure voting for a political candidate I know supports all, or mostly all, of my interests, and not for a candidate who only strongly supports one of my interests. This prevents the possibility of being surprised by the candidate’s actions after their election.
Texas will hold its general election May 4, and while it is too late to register to vote for that election, it is not too late to register for the Nov. 5 election. Voting for representatives is a privilege that many people do not take advantage of. If you have complaints or concerns with the direction the country is taking, make your voice heard and vote in the upcoming elections.