Mayor encourages completion of 2020 Census

Mayor Richard Molina encourages all citizens to fill out the census form via the Census Self Response Center before Sep. 30 to ensure that everyone is accounted for, during Tuesday’s Edinburg city council meeting. Shown are Molina (top left), City Attorney Omar Ochoa, Councilmember Jorge Salinas, City Manager Ron Garza and Councilmembers David White and Johnny Garcia. Aaliyah Garza/ The Rider photos

Fernanda Figueroa | THE RIDER

Mayor Richard Molina encouraged citizens who haven’t filled their census yet to do so via the Census Self Response Center before Sep. 30 to ensure that everyone is accounted for, during Tuesday’s Edinburg city council meeting.

“The census is very important …  so, it is very important we get the public to do this,” said Molina. “The bigger the population … we get funding for schools, for parks, funding for roads, funding for public safety, which includes our police and fire [departments].”

Individuals who have not filled out the census can do so at the Census Self Response Center located at the Edinburg Activity Center on 123 E. Palm Drive. The response center will be open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. until Friday. 

Those who fill out the census at the Census Self Response Center may be eligible to receive a $100 Stimulus Program Aimed at Recover from COVID (SPARC) gift card, while supplies last. 

To qualify for a card, the following requirements must be met:

  • live within Edinburg City limits,
  • have not yet responded to the census,
  • provide a valid ID and utility bill, and
  • bring your address, names and dates of birth of everyone living in the household.

“[Individuals] have a month to continue to self-respond and it is very important,” said City Manager Ron Garza.

The census can also be filled online at

In an update about the CARES Act, Garza said that last week the Hidalgo County Court of Commissioners voted to extend the previously established deadline to disburse the $11.5 million allocation provided by the county until Oct. 31 to qualify to receive an additional $1.821 million in funds.

CARES Act spending includes:

  • $2,325 in COVID-19 employee testing,
  • $8,923 in UV sanitizing light disinfectant wands,
  • $6,795.80 in foggers,
  • $2,482.70 in hand sanitizer gallons,
  • $80,700 in HEPA room air purifiers and filters,
  • $14,225 in sanitization of the Boys & Girls club and 
  • $1.250 million for SPARC.

“This gives us a little more time to work on making sure we get the proper goods from all expenditures,” said Garza.

In other business the mayor reminded citizens to not let their guard down when it comes to COVID-19. Hospital admission numbers are reported to be decreasing, but citizens are encouraged to keep up with safety guidelines to ensure the well-being of everyone.

“Let’s continue with the facial coverings, let’s continue with the sanitization of our hands and let’s continue the social distancing,” said Molina.

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