Recently, my family and I went through a loss. Though some weeks have passed, it still feels like my grandfather will walk through the door and ask me, “¿Cómo estás, mija?”
I admired my grandfather so much. He was a living testimony of perseverance and resilience.
He started working at the age of 5, selling eggs, bread and newspapers to support his family. At the age of 8, with the help of his older brother, he opened his first trade store. By 15, he had built my great-grandmother her own house.
He was a man who always taught us to give back to our community and to be proud of our beginnings.
Since his passing, I’ve heard many stories from people in our community who he helped over the years, from a high school student who didn’t have the resources to finish his studies to a mother who was fighting cancer and couldn’t cover the expenses of her treatment.
And though many people knew him as a pillar of our community, I had the blessing to call him “grandpa” and see his love and devotion toward our family.
For him, family and faith always came first. During his last couple of years, he struggled with his health. But something I noticed time and time again was that he never lost hope; no matter the circumstance, he would always welcome us with a warm smile and a hug.
I still remember the last time we spoke during his stay at the hospital before his last surgery. Even though he was lying in bed, he always put others before himself and encouraged us by saying, “Échenle ganas. Yo estoy bien. Dios tiene el control.”
He would constantly tell me, “Mija, ora por mí.” But that last day, something felt different. It felt like a goodbye, and I wasn’t ready. Sixteen days after the surgery, he gave his last breath.
All I can think of are the treasured memories by his side, from when he waited for me daily with a Magnum ice cream bar after kindergarten to our last family trip to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, which we enjoyed so much.
I’m blessed God allowed me to have him as my grandfather. He may not be here with us anymore, but I know he is finally resting in His arms, and I will continue to know him through my mom, aunts and uncles. Thank you, grandpa, for marking our lives with yours.
Te amaré por siempre, abuelito.