More than thoughts and prayers

3 min read

“Something must be done about it,” I tell myself as I scroll through a sea of articles and videos about the devastation of the Australian bushfires.

Since late July 2019,  Australia has been fighting the spread of bushfires. Residents and animals are attempting to escape the burning lands to safety.

So far, published reports state there have been 28 confirmed human deaths and an estimated 10 million hectares of bush, forests and parks across Australia have burned.

Moreover, an estimated half-billion animals have perished in the flames, according to World Wildlife Fund Australia.

Luckily, there have been individuals, such as content creators and celebrities, lending a hand to Australia through donations to organizations to help victims in need.For example, Kaylen Ward, who refers to herself as the “Naked Philanthropist,” is a 20-year-old American model who raised more than $700,000 for the victims of the bushfires by offering nude photographs in exchange for donations to Australia’s relief funds.

Her actions have inspired others to join the cause.

Be aware that Australia will take some time to recover from the damages since not all the fires have been put out yet. While there are various charity organizations that can be found online, there are few announcements about them.

Individuals can do more than just post their “thoughts and prayers” on social media. The best way to make sure this devastation doesn’t become “old news” is to give donations to any nonprofit organization or pay the word forward, such as informing other individuals so that they may pass on the information.

Here are some are some of the organizations that are accepting donations to fight the bushfires, according to

Donations to help animals:

WIRES (Wildlife Information Rescue and Education Services) at

Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals of New South Wales at

Vets Beyond Borders at

the Port Macquarie Koala Hospital at

World Wildlife Fund at

Donations to help fire survivors:

Australian Red Cross at

–The Salvation Army of Australia at

St. Vincent de Paul Society of Australia at

Donations to help firefighters

Country Fire Authority at

New South Wales Rural Fire Services and Brigades Donation Fund at

Don’t feel bad if you can’t donate right now. It is just as helpful to spread the information about the Australian bushfires and provide tips to where you can donate.

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