Jacqueline Peraza | EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
As we go into the new school year amid a global pandemic, students and faculty may return with some fear or anxiety about what is yet to come. It seems as though the past seven months have flown by, and yet 2020 feels as if it has been one of the longest years many have experienced in their life.
Even though the future is unclear and no one can possibly know what may happen in the next couple of days, weeks or even months, one thing is for sure: The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley’s student-run newspaper has prepared all summer to deliver the best campus, community and state news coverage to the student body.
Instead of sitting in our newsroom and working together in person, we will now be working twice as hard to interview sources, transcribe interviews, write stories, photograph, edit and communicate electronically with one another all from our homes to deliver news in a timely manner.
Taking on a new role as The Rider’s editor-in-chief during these unprecedented times has shown to be a challenge, especially with how fast-paced the world is right now. However, I know the reporters, photographers and editors are all working together to help make this transition into the new “normal” as easy as possible.
Before we kick off this upcoming semester, I want the campus community to know the best way I believe we can all have a successful school year is to stay positive, stay motivated and stay safe.
No one could have been prepared for how fast our lives changed in a span of a couple weeks. While words of comfort may fall flat during times like these, the one thing the UTRGV community can rely on not to change is The Rider’s commitment to upholding our journalistic standards to seek truth and report it, minimize harm, act independently, and be accurate and transparent.
Here’s to a historic school year. Good luck and stay safe, Vaqueros.