New SGA members take oaths of office

Student Government Association Chief Justice Samantha Lara (left) administers the oath of office to newly elected executives Brownsville Vice President Yahia Al-Qudah (second from left), President José Pablo Rojas and Edinburg Vice President Anacette Cantu. The inauguration ceremony was held Thursday in person on the Edinburg campus and via livestream, with senators taking the oath of office online. Steven Hughes/For The Rider
Student Government Association Chief Justice Samantha Lara (left) administers the oath of office to newly elected executives Brownsville Vice President Yahia Al-Qudah (second from left), President José Pablo Rojas and Edinburg Vice President Anacette Cantu. The inauguration ceremony was held Thursday in person on the Edinburg campus and via livestream, with senators taking the oath of office online.
Steven Hughes/For The Rider

Jamejdra Holverstott | THE RIDER

The Student Government Association held its 2021 inauguration ceremony Thursday on the UTRGV Edinburg campus and streamed the event on the UTRGV Student Life Facebook page. 

Co-hosts and 2020-2021 SGA Vice Presidents Carlo Flores and Samantha Aleman began the inauguration by introducing the speaker for the event, Dean of Students Rebecca Gadson.  

“It is always a privilege to work for and in collaboration with our student leaders to maximize the student experience at UTRGV,” Gadson said. “The commitment of our student leaders in a year that has continued to be described as unprecedented has been marked with resilience and an unwavering focus on engaging peers and campus partners.”

She thanked and recognized this year’s elected officials for their time serving on committees, responding to questions and “setting a foundation for the next [leaders].”

She then quoted former first lady Michelle Obama, “We all stand on the shoulders of giants, using the understanding gained of those who’ve come before us in order to advance and progress. People who are truly strong lift others up. People who are truly powerful bring others together.”

Gadson said: “I thank you for lifting one another up in difficult times and drawing our community close together at a time when we were physically distanced from one another.” 

She then congratulated the newly elected officials and shared her excitement to work toward advancing the student experience alongside them. 

Chief Justice Samantha Lara administered the oath of office to the elected officials of Team Vision United and the newly elected senators. 

After being sworn in, President José Pablo Rojas, Brownsville Vice President Yahia Al-Qudah and Edinburg Vice President Anacette Cantu gave their remarks. 

“We stand before you, humbled by the opportunity to serve you all,” Rojas said. “We’re mindful of the task at hand. This year, we witnessed something. We witnessed the determination and perseverance of UTRGV, not Brownsville, not Edinburg, but all campuses united as one.” 

He said the student body has faced constant adversity throughout the year.

“Regardless, they were able to persevere, even in the toughest of times,” Rojas said. “As we go forward paving the way into the new academic year, we must remember this unity.”

He said the UTRGV community should continue to care for those who are here and continue to shape a better tomorrow. 

Cantu addressed the state of the university amid the pandemic.

“We must be mindful of the time we are in,” she said. “We must also rejoice for the future that awaits us. As we move forward into a new norm, your safety is our No. 1 priority.”

She said SGA executives will work with university officials and the students body to find solutions to campus issues.

The new executive team plans to ensure a greater form of communication among the student government and its constituents.

“On this day, we come together, putting our differences aside to accomplish our goals,” Al-Qudah said. “We must ensure the progression of the inclusion of all the people at UTRGV. UTRGV is where the students are. It serves more than 60 countries worldwide, and it is an institution of innovation and promise. We want to uphold that promise to ensure student success.”

Al-Qudah added that the executive team understands the struggles many students face. 

“We thank our predecessors for the work they have done during their term, and we thank the pillars of the student body for undertaking these student concerns,” Al-Qudah said. “Student leaders should be unified for one goal, and that is the vision we have for the future, this unity.”

The newly elected executive officials told The Rider about some of the challenges they faced during the SGA election, which was conducted last month. 

“Getting ready for the speech … we had to prepare scripts, and it was really a fun experience but, of course, stressful as well,” Al-Qudah said. “And, of course, we also had preparing for the debate. [It] was also stressful. I’m glad we did well, but it was the first time UTRGV did a debate like that, so we are thankful for the opportunity, and I think it went well for that.”

Rojas said the executive team has different personalities that blend well. 

Asked about their plans to revitalize university traditions and bring back the college experience, the team mentioned their implementation of the Collegiate Advancement Student Advisory Council program and plans to hold events at times students can attend.

Cantu said the school of business used to set time aside by not scheduling classes from noon to 1 p.m. so organizations could host events.

“During that lunch period, people would have snacks, they would have little events and you could go and make it a priority and be an active student member, so that’s definitely something we want to bring back,” Cantu said.

She said there are many meetings going on at different times when students have class and cannot attend. 

The executive team encourages students to apply to become senators for the new term starting May 3. Students can apply on the SGA V Link and select the 2021-2022 Student Government Association application located in the forms section. 

For more information, visit the Student Government Association Facebook page.

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