Nombre: Shiara Zarate Carrera: Biología marina Clasificación: Estudiante de tercer año Fecha de graduación:Primavera 2024 Ciudad natal:...
March 29 10:42 a.m.: An employee in the cooling plant on the Edinburg campus reported the closed-circuit...
Your house is on fire. All of your friends, family and neighbors are watching it become engulfed...
“I think if I could be reincarnated as a person it would be Betty White. … She...
Aries-Good news will reach you this week when the time is right. Therefore, keep living your life...
The UTRGV Baseball Team won 20-2 tonight against Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi at the UTRGV Baseball Stadium,...
After receiving several police reports of incidents occurring in the campus residence halls, The Rider spoke with...