The following are among the incidents reported to University Police between Feb. 16 and 21. Feb. 16...
Today National Pokémon Day The Student Union will celebrate National Pokémon Day from noon to 1 p.m....
Un subsidio de H-E-B le fue otorgado al Banco de Alimentos Estudiantil para la instalación de casilleros...
Updated 4:49 p.m. March 4 The suspect in a sexual assault case that was reported last week...
At 4:14 p.m. Monday, University Police reported a terroristic threat off campus in Hidalgo County. The report...
The Vaqueros started the season 3-0 after defeating The George Washington University in a three-game series last...
About 10:39 Monday night, UTRGV Police received a report of a burglary in Heritage Hall, located at...
Correction: In the Feb. 21 print version of The Rider, Texas gubernatorial candidate Delilah Barrios was incorrectly...