The Political Science Association hosted a meet and greet with Jessica Cisneros last Tuesday at the water...
During its Jan. 31 visit to the Brownsville campus, the UT System Chancellor’s Council Executive Committee (CCEC)...
With Valentine’s Day coming up, people are excited to go on romantic dates. However, we always have...
The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship is available for students who are looking to study abroad. The...
The Student Fee Advisory Committee met Jan. 31 to discuss its Fiscal Year 2021 timeline and review...
UTRGV has suspended all university related travels to China as of Jan. 31 due to the novel...
While Valentine’s Day is traditionally a time to celebrate love and friendship, not everyone is seeing red....
Jan. 27 8:19 a.m.: A student reported seeing a vehicle back into a parked, unattended vehicle and...
A partir de hoy, los estudiantes pueden votar por la nueva realeza de Homecoming mientras disfrutan de...
Starting today, students can vote for the new Homecoming Royals while enjoying this week’s celebration, which will...