“Well, right now, I am not exactly sure what I want to do for my career. But...
My most likely nightmare turned into reality would be a school shooting. As I anticipate entering my...
Wendy’s ‘dynamic pricing’ strategy shakes up consumers Shown is a Wendy’s bag and fries amid reports of...
The Student Fee Advisory Committee met Feb. 23 to review Fiscal Year 2025 budget requests. Shown are...
Krystal Dule is an economics junior from Pove Del Grappa, Italy, who plays for the UTRGV Women’s...
Today Edinburg Tabling Christians at RGV will host a tabling from 11:45 to 1 p.m. in Student Union Room 1.300...
The following are among the incidents reported to University Police between March 6 and 18. March 6...
Robert Vackar, chairman of the board of the Bert Ogden Auto Group, talks about his experience growing...