The 2018 Rabies Clinic held last Tuesday at Garden Park Elementary was Nicole Langan’s first day with her dogs, Red and Foxie Roxie, “[As of today] they’re officially mine,” Langan said. “Somebody dumped them on the street over at Vermillion Road over by Rivera High School. I saw them being posted [on social media]. I befriended the person who posted them and now I have two dogs.”
She said she decided to participate in the rabies clinic to take advantage of the great service the City of Brownsville was providing. Companion Animal Hospital veterinarian, Dr. Robert Maza, administered the vaccines.

“All the veterinarians in Brownsville are participating with the city to offer our community a low-cost option to get their dogs vaccinated and it’s right in their backyard, so they don’t have to travel,” Maza said. “It’s real important for the community to come out and participate in these clinics if they don’t have another option.”
Maza, who has been collaborating with the city since 1988, said Brownsville aims to control the stray pet population.
“The most important thing is that we want to control rates,” he said. “We have to vaccinate approximately 70 percent of the pet population to be able to control it and I can tell you we’re not even close to that. So, I can tell you right now that it’s very important for everyone to come out to the vaccination events.”
Maza said he recommends residents attend the clinics in an effort to help the city’s protection against rabies.
“The main thing is to come and participate,” he said. “At least come and get a rabies vaccine, so that way, the community can be protected in case we get an outbreak, in case some coyote comes from somewhere across the river, or some rabbit comes over. If they can just come out here and participate, we will provide the community with a shield from rabies.”
The clinics will continue throughout this month and May, with the last one scheduled from 4:30 to 6 p.m. May 5 at Victoria Heights Elementary School, located at 2801 E. 13th St. in Brownsville.
A complete schedule of the clinics can be found at the city’s website, www.cob.us/719/Animal-Regulation-Care-Center.

The City of Brownsville Health Department collaborated with the Brownsville Independent School District to sponsor the 2018 Rabies Clinics. The cost of the vaccine is $12 per pet. Pet owners will receive a certificate and a city license tag.
There is also a $40 booster package that offers rabies, distemper and parvo immunizations, as well as dewormers for pets.
Pets must be at least 12 weeks of age to receive the vaccines. All cats must be in a carrier and dogs must be on a leash.