Plant-based trends

3 min read

When people think of vegan and vegetarian options, the first thing that comes to mind is awful tasting food or a salad with a side of plain, white tofu. Leaving meat and other dairy products behind can be a hard transition and can become overwhelming to people.

With the rise of a more health-conscious generation, more people have become open to meat alternatives. Companies such as Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat have been able to mimic meat using plant-based proteins. Vegan and vegetarian food has developed to become more appealing and has become
a trend.

This has become more evident over the last year with many fast-food restaurants expanding their menus to include vegan and vegetarian friendly options. Carl’s Jr. started with the Beyond Burger, followed by Burger King’s Impossible WHOPPER. Eventually, KFC and Subway announced their plans to expand their menus with plant-based options. With these new additions, more people are encouraged to try more plant-based foods and discover that it can be just as delicious.

The same is evident with the rise in sales for non-dairy milks such as almond and oat milk. With the large demand in plant-based milks, cow milk has significantly decreased in sales. Plant-based milk rose 61% between 2012 and 2017, while dairy milk fell 15%, according to The dairy corporation began legal action against plant-based milks to refrain from calling their products “milk,” due to the nut’s lack of lactation. Although no action was taken, plant-based milks continue to grow as more people become open to the idea of trying them.

My experience has been good overall, and I have been supported by my friends and family. Although, it was hard to quit eating the foods I used to love, I learned to cook new foods and get out of my comfort zone. My friends and family are always open to eat what I eat and are always surprised at how good plant-based food can be. My parents have been encouraged to eat healthier and be more conscious of what they eat.

Although, it can be argued that these new plant-based options in fast food are not completely vegan or vegetarian because they are cooked on the same grill as their meat counterparts, they still encourage people to try it and it’s a big step for the plant-based trend. More people are now trying these options for health reasons and realizing how good they can be. Vegan and vegetarian food are no longer associated with plain tofu, but now with new things such as vegan tacos and sandwiches.

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