- Communication senior Carolina Mendez (left) and Mexican American Studies junior Carolyn Garcia act a scene from “Out of Silence,” held Nov. 18 in the Student Union’s Gran Salón. The play is based on people’s real abortion stories and aims to end the stigma surrounding abortion care. Members of the Student Theatrical Society at UTRGV Brownsville participated in the “1 in 3 Campaign,” which is sponsored by “Feministxs Unidxs RGV” and “Texas Freedom Network,” according to the organization Advocates for Youth. ANA CAHUICHE/THE RIDER PHOTOS
- Art freshmen Alexa Olivares(from left) and Anayssa Gutierrez receive information about the Texas Freedom Network’s stand on abortion care from physics junior Ramona Lunan. Texas FreedomNetwork is a nonpartisan organization of more than 100,000 religious and community leaders that advances a mainstream agenda of religious freedom and individual liberties to counter the religious right, according to its website.
- UTRGV students watch the presentation performed by members of the Student Theatrical Society at UTRGV Brownsville Nov. 18 in the Student Union’s Gran Salón.
- Monica Hernandez serves appetizers to education freshman Mellisa Juarez during the abortion play “Out of Silence” Nov. 18 in the Student Union’s Gran Salón.
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