Feb. 18
9:58 a.m.: A staff member reported losing a university-issued key on the Edinburg campus sometime in January.
10:24 a.m.: A staff member reported losing four university-issued keys in an unknown location off campus. She had last seen them in January after the holiday.
12:32 p.m.: A student reported that while exiting her vehicle in Lot E-27 on the Edinburg campus, a gust of wind swung her door open, striking the mirror on a vehicle parked next to her. The mirror sustained a small chip. The student wanted the incident documented.
1:32 p.m.: A student reported her father has been receiving threats off campus via phone. The incidents have been reported to the Brownsville Police Department. She also reported observing a suspicious vehicle on Feb. 13 on two separate occasions. She wanted the incident documented. She was advised of the services available at UTRGV.
1:59 p.m.: An officer responded to the Science complex on the Edinburg campus, where two individuals were stuck in an elevator. After the UTRGV Police Department and UTRGV Facilities were unable to get them out, the Edinburg Fire Department was contacted. Facilities reset the elevator, and the individuals were removed. One individual was identified as a student, while the other left the area before being identified by the officer. The elevator was placed out of service pending maintenance.
3:42 p.m.: A staff member reported a missing laptop after conducting an inventory of computer laptops for her area. She then determined the laptop had been checked out to a student, but she had failed to return it as scheduled in December 2019. Students Rights and Responsibilities will further review the incident.
Feb. 19
7:10 a.m.: An officer was approached by a non-affiliated individual seeking medical services for her non-affiliated husband in Lot B-1 on the Brownsville campus. Emergency medical services transported the man to the Valley Baptist Medical Center in Brownsville for further evaluation.
10:46 a.m.: An officer made contact with a non-affiliated individual who reported her daughter was injured while attending a baseball game on Feb. 14. The individual said her daughter fell off a concrete wall and landed on her left arm. The daughter suffered a humeral fracture. UTRGV Athletics was informed of the incident, and a report was generated for documentation purposes.
1:17 p.m.: An officer made contact with a student whose vehicle was damaged in Lot E-9 on the Edinburg campus. The hood of the vehicle had been keyed. The student does not know where the vehicle damage occurred. The case is under investigation.
8:19 p.m.: Upon picking up a purse that had been turned in as found property, the purseโs owner, a student, reported her wallet had been stolen. The wallet had contained personnel documents and U.S. currency.
Feb. 20
6:39 p.m.: A staff member reported he lost his wallet, which contained a University of Texas System identification card, at an off-campus location Feb. 6.
Feb. 21
1:01 p.m.: A staff member reported receiving several unwanted vulgar cell phone messages from an unknown male. The case is under investigation.
Feb. 22
8:37 a.m.: A non-affiliated juvenile reported feeling ill and vomited while attending an event at the Performing Arts Complex on the Edinburg campus. He claimed he had eaten bad food. After declining medical attention, he left with his schoolโs guardian.
Feb. 24
10:55 a.m.: A staff member reported losing his university ID card, uniform shirt and pants. He is currently exiting the university and needed to document the missing items.
1:20 p.m.: An officer responded to a student who appeared to be fainting in the area of Van Week Street on the Edinburg campus. She reported feeling ill after a workout and planned to seek medical attention.
2:08 p.m.: An officer conducting a traffic stop on a vehicle driven by a student detected an odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle. After searching the vehicle, a small amount of marijuana and a marijuana smoking pipe was found. The driver was issued a citation for possession of drug paraphernalia and a warning for the traffic violation.
8:15 p.m.: A UTRGV communications operator noticed two individuals from Mexico on the border cameras jumping the U.S. border fence in the area of Lot B-1 on the Brownsville campus. UTRGV police officers and U.S. Border Patrol agents were notified. Border Patrol apprehended the two individuals without incident.
–Compiled by Sol Garcia