April 12
12:10 p.m.: A staff member from Environmental Health Safety and Risk Management reported a smell of smoke coming from inside Eidman Hall on the Brownsville campus and a fire alarm was activated. On arrival, officers found burnt wires inside an office. The Brownsville Fire Department reported that the light fixture ballast’s heat melted the coating of two wires. A staff member from the Facilities Department remedied the light fixture’s issue.
5:23 p.m.: A student reported he was assaulted by another student during class on the Edinburg campus. The victim said the suspect intentionally stepped on his foot, causing him pain and discomfort. The case is under investigation.
April 13
12:37 a.m.: A student reported that a male friend touched her in an offensive manner on Feb. 19. The student said she was willing to file criminal charges. Campus officials were notified and the case is under investigation.
8:59 a.m.: A staff member reported that an automated external defibrillator (AED) kept behind the information desk in the Edinburg Student Union was stolen between the evening of April 11 and the morning of April 13. The estimated loss to the university is $1,200.
April 15
8:02 a.m.: A staff member reported seeing a gray PT cruiser in Lot A1 near the border fence, where the individual inside opened the doors to the vehicle and waited until four other males with backpacks emerged from the brush, entered the car and then drove away. After reviewing surveillance footage, officers were unable to capture the location where the activity took place.
8:47 a.m.: A shuttle bus driver reported that a student who entered the bus at the Regional Academic Health Center in Harlingen was giving him a hard time and using profane language. The driver said the student was not at the bus stop when he arrived to pick up students, and the student chased after the bus. The driver said he felt offended by the language but does not wish to file criminal charges. The case will be referred to the dean of students.
April 18
7:30 a.m.: A driver of a Chevrolet Colorado reported that a tire came off his truck on the 1800 block of West Schunior Street in Edinburg and struck the rear tire of a nearby bicycle. The bicyclist, a student, was not injured. The truck was then towed away from the roadway.
–Compiled by Andrea Torres