Jan. 17
10:18 a.m.: A Financial Services staff member on the Edinburg campus reported that more than $13,000 of unauthorized charges were made to a university’s credit card for lodging via direct billing. The charges were for hotel stays in Austin during August and September 2016. The charges were reported to the bank and the credit card was canceled. The case is under investigation.
Jan. 18
1:44 p.m.: A staff member on the Brownsville campus reported that she lost two university keys between Jan. 2 and 6. She immediately reported the lost keys to Facilities, but did not file a police report until she checked her residence, office and car.
2:50 p.m.: A staff member reported that a UTRGV-issued laptop computer was stolen from his vehicle while it was parked off campus. He filed a police report with the Cameron County Sheriff’s Department.
4:39 p.m.: A staff member on the Edinburg campus reported that a cashier was short $100 on her money drawer on Dec. 7, 2016. Cameras are being reviewed.
Jan. 19
3:46 p.m.: A student reported that his bike was stolen from the bike racks by the Math and General Classroom Building on the Edinburg campus. The bike was recovered unsecured at a bike rack by the Physical Sciences Building by a public safety officer. The case is under investigation.
Jan. 20
1:02 p.m.: An officer saw a male student fall off a skateboard near the wooden bridge on the Brownsville campus. The officer observed abrasions, swelling and bruising to the student’s face, knees and hands. Emergency Medical Services transported the student for a medical evaluation.
Jan. 23
7:34 a.m.: More than three dozen obscene phrases were discovered written in chalk on the sidewalk throughout the north side of the covered walkway on the Edinburg campus. The UTRGV Physical Plant removed the writing.
8:23 a.m.: A student reported finding four .223 spent shell casings on the ground in parking lot E31 on the Edinburg campus. The shell casings appeared to be old and not recently fired.
Jan. 24
7:52 a.m.: A staff member on the Brownsville campus reported she is being harassed by her estranged husband via phone.
3:54 p.m.: Officers responded to a fire alarm at the Science Building on the Edinburg campus. The Edinburg Fire Department cleared the building for re-entry. The alarm was activated due to a water flow issue.
Jan. 25
10:53 a.m.: Officers responded to a report from Residence Life staff of an unwanted, suspicious male in the lobby of Unity Hall on the Edinburg campus. The former student said he was at the residence hall to pick up a pocketknife from an acquaintance. He was escorted from the area and issued a criminal trespass warning for all UTRGV residence halls.
–Compiled by Macarena Martinez