Roxanna Miranda/The Rider Photo Illustration
Karina Rodriguez | THE RIDER
Amid COVID-19, students have faced the issue of having to find convenient places to study while still being safe from the virus. Loud households, families all being at home and virtual learning has made studying at home difficult for many students.
Freshman theatre education major Briana Arechar stated that she prefers to study at the coffee shops MoonBeans Coffee and Starbucks because it is easy to get distracted at home.
“I’ll get really distracted at home, and all I’ll want to do is lay down, watch TV and be on my phone,” said Arechar.
She sees her home as a place to relax rather than do homework.
“I kind of use, like, going home as a reward,” she said. “I would tell myself, ‘OK, when you finish all your work, you can go home, relax and have your leisure time.’”
Sophomore theatre major Yajaira Jaimez said that she is careful and makes sure to take the proper precautions when she studies in public.
“When I study in public, I make sure to wear a mask, always have hand sanitizer and always have disinfectant wipes,” Jaimez said. “I also try to avoid going to well-known places.”
She also stated that while studying in public is good, studying at a friend’s house increased the amount she studies.
“In public places, I only study for about an hour,” Jaimez said. “If I study at a friend’s place, I feel like I can study for as long as I need.”
Junior biology major Mickaela Casas said having a family at home while she studies is difficult.
“I have family there that will try to talk to me, or even watching a movie that I want to watch with them,” Casas said.
Her favorite places to study are coffee shops.
“I study at coffee shops a lot,” Casas said. “I guess only because the atmosphere is very slow. It is a place to concentrate. I do not get distracted at coffee shops as easily as I do at home.”
She said students should study outside of their homes if they believe it can benefit them as long as they take the correct precautions.
“I say go for it,” Casas said. “As long as you take the right precautions, like wearing a mask, washing your hands and social distancing, you should be OK. If you feel that it’s going to help you in the long run and help you concentrate, you should. … Anything you can do to help you get through the semester, you should do as long as the right precautions are being taken.”