Seeing the light in the darkness

2 min read

Roxanna Miranda | THE RIDER

It is no doubt this year has been hectic, and it has brought out the worst and the best in many of us.

I knew college was supposed to be stressful, but the anxiety of going through it from a corner desk in your room every day can be tough. 

This year, I had my first “meltdown” earlier than expected, considering I usually save those for midterms. 

Assignments were coming in by the hour and I felt so lost as to which to prioritize. 

However, I sat down, thought it through and decided that the situation was not going to overcome me. 

I have never become as organized as I am today. To be honest, if it wasn’t for “Zoom school,” I would not have chosen the dry erase calendar I have up in my wall right now as the decor for my room. 

Yes, some days are harder than others, and maybe this isn’t exactly what we signed up for when looking into classes to register for this summer, but it’s something we have to learn to make the best of, even if it seems there isn’t much “best” about it. 

Prioritizing my tasks and having the right motivation has got me through halfway of what is probably going to be considered one of the most nerve-racking semesters.  

I have even made time to start working out again because take-out food and being home all day has played me very wrong. I want to say about 10 pounds wrong. 

It’s not always easy staying positive when there is a virus ruining the New Year’s resolutions we probably would not have done this year anyway. 

Working on yourself and bringing out the best in you in this unpleasant situation can become very rewarding and satisfying. 

This year is totally one for the books, and the worst thing about it is that the holidays aren’t even certain anymore. Just a few days ago, Halloween was completely canceled, literally erased from 2020. 

Let’s hope for the best for the remaining months and make the best of them. Even if it seems like the world is falling apart, there is always a brighter tomorrow. If that doesn’t seem to be the case, a brighter day after tomorrow.

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