SGA conducts risk management training

During its meeting Thursday, the Student Government Association did not meet quorum and was unable to vote on any official business, including voting for a new chair of the senate.

Montserrat Pardo resigned from her position Wednesday night, according to SGA President Ingrid De La Torre.

Other business items on the agenda were the First Year Internship Program guidelines and town hall dates.

“So, since we’re not meeting quorum today and we can’t handle any official business, I’m still going to go ahead and take advantage of the time that we have here and we’re gonna go through the risk management training that’s mandatory by Student Involvement,” De La Torre said.  Risk management is the process of considering the potential risks involved in student activities. This includes monitoring organizations and taking corrective action.

The SGA president reviewed high-risk activities and scenarios with members, including alcohol and illegal drugs, hazing, sexual abuse and harassment, fire and other safety issues, travel and behavior at parties and social events.

“Reputation is also part of risk management,” De La Torre said. “Right, so we want to make sure we’re not hurting our reputation.”

In cases involving drugs and alcohol, students are encouraged to abide by the law and call police if any situation gets out of hand. Students were also advised to aid in any severe case in which a person’s life might be at risk by calling an ambulance. 

De La Torre also listed the different risk types, including physical, reputation, emotional, financial and those associated with facilities.

Earlier this semester, students received a hazing awareness email to help prevent hazing on campus. De La Torre expanded on this by explaining Senate Bill 38.

As previously reported by The Rider, Senate Bill 38, a new law, defines hazing as “any intentional, knowing, or reckless act, occurring on or off the campus of an educational institution, by one person alone or acting with others, directed against a student, for the purpose of pledging, being initiated into, affiliating with, holding office in, or maintaining membership in an organization.”

In regard to sexual abuse and harassment cases or any kind of misconduct, De La Torre said students can anonymously report cases through Vaqueros Report It under Student Rights and Responsibilities.  

In the case of a fire emergency, students were advised to take safety measures and exit the building without re-entering. If students need an outlet installed, they are advised to contact the Environmental Health, Safety & Risk department. 

For student organization trips, De La Torre advised that students be prepared for any emergencies while on the road and said that the organization can be held accountable for a student’s behavior at social events and parties.

“We assume responsibility if the activity is related to your organization,” De La Torre said.

De La Torre has tentatively scheduled a 3 p.m. meeting for Nov. 8. However, the meeting will depend on whether the association will be able to meet quorum.

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