Aurora Acevedo/THE RIDER
In its first meeting of the semester, the Student Government Association provided updates on the University Library hours, an IT hybrid computer lab survey and last semester’s Food Preference Survey.
During the executive team report on Jan. 27, Jose Herrera, vice president for External Affairs, announced that the team met with University Library officials on Jan. 23 regarding a survey conducted last fall semester. He said the library will update the team with the results.
He added that the library extended its hours of operation and is now open until midnight from Monday through Thursday and from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday.
The team met with IT Services Jan. 30 regarding the hybrid computer labs survey that the department has been working to deliver since last semester. Herrera said the survey is expected to be shared to students this month.
Kimberly Escalante, the SGA’s vice president for Internal Affairs, told The Rider the senate has received student concerns on internet reliability in areas such as the University Library, Science Building and Liberal Arts Buildings on the Edinburg campus and in El Comedor on the Brownsville campus. The team informed IT Services of students’ concerns.
The team said it was scheduled to meet with Auxiliary Services tonight regarding a Dining Services survey that was conducted last semester.
Escalante said students voiced concerns about the hours of operation of the Starbucks on the Edinburg and Brownsville campuses and asked that they be extended. Its current schedule is from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday.
“Students may feel free to tag SGA on their student concerns on social media as we try and read those as well,” Herrera told The Rider.
During the adviser’s report, Program Coordinator Kourtnie Hernandez announced that the SGA will have two involvement fairs on each campus. In Brownsville, one took place last Tuesday and the second fair will take place from noon to 1:30 next Tuesday in the Main Courtyard. In Edinburg, one fair took place tonight and the next one is scheduled next Wednesday at the same time on the Chapel Lawn.
Hernandez said the SGA First Year Internship Program applications will close Sunday.
Academic Affairs Standing Committee Chair Kassandra Garcia said the committee will work hand in hand with the FYI Program, “… helping those students develop projects and so they can learn about the process of the committee.”
Campus Life and Community Affairs Chair Julianna Castillo said her committee also will help with the internship program.
Graduate College Senator Kristen Hallas presented the Financial Affairs Committee report on behalf of Chair Josiah Gonzalez.
Hallas said the committee met Jan. 23 and approved six travel applications. A total of $15,447.61 were awarded to a mix of individual and student groups.
During the comments and announcements section, Odalys Saenz, senator for the College of Liberal Arts and Internal Affairs Committee chair, announced that the Liberal Arts Student Advisory Committee will reach out to all the departments to have one student from each for representation.
“We’re looking forward to the end of the spring semester to have our first meeting in regards to the committee.”
President Jonathan Dominguez talked about the attendance difference between the senate meetings in the Brownsville campus compared to that of the Edinburg campus, which has higher attendance. Dominguez encouraged SGA members to put a little more effort into attending the senate meetings.
“The thing that I want is for everybody to come together and be part of the meetings that we have,” he said. “The Zoom option is not open up for preference. It’s open up for those students who have class or have something going on that doesn’t allow them to travel to or from, like, the meetings.”

Aurora Acevedo/THE RIDER