Haunted season tales with athletes

Men’s basketball senior forward Isaiah Fontaine

Is a pumpkin a fruit or vegetable?

“I think it’s a vegetable because it grows from the ground.”

What is the best Halloween memory you have?

“The best Halloween memory I have is probably Trick-or-Treating in the city with my friends at a young age. Not necessarily a specific year, just the whole idea of Halloween and walking around with your friends and stuff.”

What was your first Halloween costume?

“My first Halloween costume, I think, was a basketball. I think I was just like in some sort of big puffy basketball thing as a 1-year-old kid. I don’t know. I’ve just seen pictures of it. I was confused myself.”

Would you spend a full night inside a haunted house if someone paid you? What is your price?

“Yeah, I don’t believe in ghosts or anything like that. So, I wouldn’t have anything to be worried about. My price is $200.”

What is the creepiest thing that has ever happened to you while you were alone? 

“I saw some sort of unidentified flying object one day while I was walking in the woods on the way back from football practice my junior year of high school. It was like some sort of colorful orb flying through the air, but it looked like some sort of aircraft. I don’t think it was a ghost or anything like that, but it was pretty creepy. I was pretty confused.”

Women’s basketball junior forward Iva Belosevic

If you were trapped in one scary movie, which would you choose?

“Annabelle. I think it’s, like, scary and when I watch it, I get a lot of adrenaline and I want to see what is going to happen next. The first one, because there is a doll and I am really scared of dolls, so I wanted to see how I am going to react if I see something like that.”

Name something you would not want to run into in a dark forest or in an abandoned building?

“A serial killer.”

If you could only wear one Halloween costume for the rest of your life, what would you be?

“A princess. Princess Jasmine from Aladdin.”

What has been your favorite all-time Halloween costume?

“Probably a princess because when I was little, I was always dressing up in princess costumes.”

Who is your favorite horror monster or villain?

“I don’t have one.

Men’s soccer senior forward Sergio Loredo

Would you ever go to a graveyard at night?

“No, I would never. I’m too scared to do that.”

In a zombie apocalypse, what is your weapon of choice?

“A mini gun. The rat-a-tat-a-tat-a-tatat one.”

You are home alone, and you hear footsteps in your house at 3 a.m. What do you do?


While watching scary movies, are you the person who yells at the characters, the person with their eyes covered the whole time or the person who falls asleep?

“Maybe fall asleep.”

Who is your favorite scary character?


Men’s soccer sophomore midfielder Damian Magallan

Which horror movie scarred you for life?

“Annabelle, the first one. I don’t know why, but the doll made me all scared.”

What would you do if your teammate was captured by the killer of a movie? Help them? If so, how, or leave them and run for your life?

“I would leave them and run for my life to be honest.”

You are in a horror movie. Are you the final girl, the first to die, the comic relief, the skeptic, the smart one or the killer?

“I’m probably the one making jokes. I would be joking about how the others are scared.”

What is your favorite scary movie?

“My favorite scary movie is the ‘Scary Movie,’ literally. The ones called ‘Scary Movie.’”

What is the first thing you do when you hear there is a zombie apocalypse?

“I would probably go get some rifles.”

–Compiled by Juanita Maldonado and photos by Amanda Vela

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