Name: Rock Climbing Association
Coach: Cristian Cano
President: Michael Winarto
Vice President: Cailey Granado
Secretary: Ryan Luna
Historian: Andre Contreras
Adviser: Arturo Cabrera, UREC recreation specialist and Youth Program assistant director
Established: 2011
What is the main purpose of the club? “The main purpose of the club is to compete. We want to compete, we want to get our name out there. So, we want to go to other schools and look as they said, ‘Oh! They are the UTRGV guys and they’re good.’”
Highest Level of Competition: Collegiate Climbing Series
Season: Year-round
Meetings: Noon to 1:30 p.m. Thursdays at the Climbing Wall in the UREC.
Requirements: None.
Fees: $15
Instagram: rgv_rca
–Compiled by Ramiro Barrera