undeclared freshman
“I like to listen to music. I like to play ‘Fortnite’ with my friends. … I like to go on long drives and just talk about nothing. That’s pretty much it; I do a lot of the music listening.”

accounting senior
“I get home and I play video games or I listen to music, or just take a nap.”

English junior
“I usually play video games because I usually spend a lot of time actually writing. So, video games are how I usually calm down. I allocate at the end of my day, usually before bed just to squeeze it in as much as I can.”

mathematics senior
“Working out is really good, also playing video games on the weekends or just watching YouTube and Netflix. That really helps out.”

criminal justice junior
“It just depends how stressful the day was. If it was extremely stressful, I just take a nap. But I do like to use other methods, like I write poetry, so I do that. Or I would just draw, just find other ways to take it out instead of just going to sleep ’cause then it just prevents me from getting my work done after school. So, I normally just try and do that, or read.”