UTRGV, United Way help students navigate filing

Jose Rodriguez/THE RIDER
With the April 15 tax deadline approaching, UTRGV and United Way are providing free tax-preparation resources to students and campus community members to help ease the filing process.
Individuals earning $84,000 or less can file their 2024 taxes at no cost using MyFreeTaxes.com, an online platform.
For those needing extra assistance, students and residents earning $60,000 or less per year can take advantage of the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program free of charge. VITA-certified consultants are available to provide step-by-step support through appointments online at confidence.2025vita.as.me. Appointments are available in several locations throughout the Rio Grande Valley.
Jessica Sustaita, financial stability coordinator of United Way of South Texas, said the resources can help students gain financial independence.
“It will actually motivate them to learn how to do their own taxes on their own,” Sustaita said. “Another good thing is that, even though they are still being claimed by their parents, they still have the opportunity to do their own taxes.”
She added students should be aware of their dependency status when filing.
“The only thing that they have to do is that, if they are doing their income taxes, they will have to notify somebody else that they are being claimed by someone else,” Sustaita said. “That way, it does not interfere between the parents’ tax returns and them.”

Jose Rodriguez/THE RIDER
Students who may qualify for educational tax credits can access their 1098-T tax form through the ASSIST portal. However, not all students are eligible for the form as the IRS only requires institutions to report certain qualified tuition payments.
Arturo Avalos, a biology student at UTRGV, said he thinks it is important to understand personal tax filing, especially as a college student.
“It is important to be in control of your own finances to prepare you for the future and become a more independent person,” Avalos said.
He added that after learning about these free opportunities, he feels more confident in finding sources to complete the filing process, which is essential to future success.
Linda Acevedo, lecturer in the School of Accountancy, said UTRGV has a lab, where students can prepare their own taxes.
The lab is open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday to Friday in UCentral in the Main Building on the Brownsville campus and will operate through March 14.
Acevedo said some accounting students are taking a VITA practicum course in which they volunteer preparing tax returns for low-income families.
“It is important that students take advantage of these free services that are offered through United Way, so that they don’t need to pay to have taxes prepared,” she said.
For more information on MyFreeTaxes and VITA services, visit myfreetaxes.com or unitedwayofsotx.org.