During spring break, I did absolutely nothing and, in all honesty, I think it might have been the best vacation I’ve had. Taking some time for yourself and deciding to relax is important.
Sometimes I’m moving at what seems like 100 mph and forget to check in with myself and attune to what my needs are.
I want you to stop and think, “How am I doing?” Unclench your jaw, relax your shoulders.
Sometimes it feels like we have so much to do at once, but your self-care is important, too.
Last semester, I was stressed all the time. I would have breakdowns and didn’t know how to manage my stress and anxiety. I was high-strung and restless. I would get little to no sleep, relied on coffee and energy drinks and ate once a day because I had “more important things to do” than eat.
Sure, I would hang out with friends. I would go out, but I never let myself fully relax. In the back of my mind, I was counting down the hours to every paper I had due. I was anxious I wasn’t going to finish my work and wasn’t fully enjoying my time.
Schoolwork consumed me in an unhealthy way. It wasn’t until I realized that I was too busy worrying about school that I wasn’t paying attention to my own needs. I realized that I would worry over the smallest things for no reason.
I learned that I should have more confidence in myself. My paper will get done and I’ll finish my project. Why am I worried about it?
Realizing the importance of relaxing, taking time to breathe and stopping to smell the roses was a big change I had to make. I slowly let myself relax and took the weekend to do something for myself instead.
Managing my time strictly and setting aside specific times in my day for work and school allowed me to have more me time.
I started to sleep more and I wasn’t as tired during the day. I didn’t need energy drinks or coffee and my assignments were still on time. My grades were as high as ever.
School, work and your responsibilities are important, but your mental and physical health is important, too. Take some time for yourself even if it’s a couple of hours out of the day.
It may seem like you can’t make this happen. There’s just too much you must do, and not enough time. I used to have the same problem, but only because I had such bad time management.
Set aside time for yourself. Go for a walk, get some sun, enjoy your friends and family. I guarantee your homework will get done.
You are worth just as much time and energy as your other responsibilities.