Time to face reality

3 min read

As I walked across the stage to graduate from high school and enter the university, I used to like to think I had my future planned out. Pretty dumb now, considering I have no idea where to take my next step. 

 As I near the end of my first semester at UTRGV, I find myself questioning if I’m capable of going through with my major, exercise science, or if I should look into another. I know many students end up changing their majors as they go through the year. So, it wouldn’t be anything new if I did it, too.  

But I’d rather question myself now, than to do so 10 years later when I’m stuck in a career where the only thing I look forward to is the clock hand hitting 5 p.m.  

I usually get comments like, “You’re stressed and you’re barely a freshman,” or “You still have a long way to go,” and I totally get it, because it’s true, but I’ve just popped out of that bubble that protects most of us from the scary reality that waits for us after graduating from high school and it’s barely hitting me.  

Aside from being a first-generation college student, I have three younger brothers at home that look up to me as an example and to follow all the accomplishments I completed throughout my earlier education.  I can say I’ve made my parents proud more than a couple of times.  

But I know I won’t be satisfied until I prove that all their sacrifices weren’t in vain. I’ve seen how much my parents have worked to give my brothers and me everything we have today, and I’m not about to fail them now.

It’s not easy making choices that will impact a great part of what you will later become, but I have five big motives to keep in mind. Honestly, those five smiles are what I’m looking forward to the day when I can finally say I’ve made it. Although the path might not seem to be clear right now, I believe that the best way to face the reality of my future is to stand stronger than any obstacle that can get in my way and with motivation, which I sure have, I’ll be able to wake up every morning ready to overcome what is ahead. 

I’ve started making a new plan for my future, and I pray to God I’m going the right way.  It’s pretty scary to think I’ll be 20 next year. The clock is ticking and I can’t fall behind.  

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