A vehicle allegedly struck a student as he rode his bike across the crosswalk on the 600 Block of N. Sugar Road Wednesday in front of the University Recreation Center on the Edinburg campus. Ali Halloum / The Rider
University Police reminds cyclists to dismount their bikes prior to crossing a crosswalk after an incident Wednesday in which a vehicle allegedly struck a student.
“Crosswalks are for pedestrians,” said Assistant Chief of Police Van Slusser. “So, any bicyclist that wants to cross at a crosswalk should dismount the bike and walk it across rather than ride into the crosswalk.”
At about 5 p.m. Wednesday, a vehicle allegedly struck a student as he rode his bike across the crosswalk on the 600 Block of N. Sugar Road in front of the University Recreation Center on the Edinburg campus. The vehicle then left the scene.
The student received nonlife-threatening injuries due to the collision. Emergency Medical Services transported the student to a hospital for further evaluation.
“We haven’t spoken with the driver of the vehicle,” Slusser said. “He did not remain at the scene. So, right now, we are investigating it as a criminal offense because the driver did leave the scene.”
Depending on what the investigation reveals, the assistant chief said the driver may face an offense for failing to report a collision that involves injury, and another for failing to stop and render aid.
“We did get some pretty good leads on who that person may be based upon witnesses that were at the scene and were able to provide a description and a license plate for us,” Slusser said.
University Police has not assigned fault or blame for the collision, the assistant chief said.
The case is still under investigation.
To report suspicious activity or concerns, call University Police at 882-4911.