Juan Garcia, a business administration senior, spins the wheel to see if he got a free prize at the school supplies drive Thursday on the Student Union veranda on the Brownsville campus. Also shown are business administration seniors Gloria Bridyit Perez (left) and Odalys Rocha. The supplies were donated to the Salvation Army in Harlingen. Teresita Dominguez/THE RIDER PHOTOS

Angel Hernandez (from left), corps officer for the Salvation Army in Harlingen, business administration seniors Alec Romero, Mauricio Salazar, Juan Garcia and Hugo Amaya; criminal justice junior Joe Angel Rodriguez; business management seniors Leo Gonzalez, Israel Cardenas, Ivanna Robinson, Gloria Bridyit Perez, Odalys Rocha and Christian Gonzalez pose for a photo with the supplies donated at the end of the school supplies drive. The event took place Thursday at the Student Union veranda on the Brownsville campus. Teresita Dominguez/THE RIDER PHOTOS

Business administration seniors Israel Cardenas (from left), Alec Romero, Juan Garcia, Leo Gonzalez, Hugo Amaya and criminal justice junior Joe Angel Rodriguez gather the school supplies donated to give to the Salvation Army in Harlingen. The event was organized by the group of students for their project management final. Teresita Dominguez/THE RIDER PHOTOS

Business administration seniors Israel Cardenas (left) and Alec Romero load the Salvation Army van with the school supplies they raised. The event was coordinated with Lecturer Sylvia Saenz. Teresita Dominguez/THE RIDER PHOTOS