From participating in events like MLK Day of Service to passing by the Food Pantry, students need to be reminded of the volunteering opportunities at UTRGV. Fairs, events and other alternatives are offered year round on both campuses.
“We currently have various opportunities for students to get involved with our community,” said Raul Leal, program coordinator for Leadership and Social Change on the Edinburg campus. “Every month we do host at least one community service fair where we bring non-profit agencies onto campus. That way, they can engage with students and talk about different volunteering opportunities.”

UTRGV professors ask for opportunities for their students to participate in their community since certain classes require service hours.
Vanessa Sandoval, program coordinator of Leadership and Social Change on the Brownsville campus, said, “We have this great platform called Engagement Zone that every student has access to. You track your hours and get hours if needed for internships, job opportunities, or if you need, for your service-learning courses.”
Participating to make a change in the community can be as easy as donating food or spreading the word that organizations exist. UTRGV’s Food Pantry has helped fight malnutrition among students, although few of the university’s population knows about it.
“Our goal is to create a bigger outreach ‘cause we usually only reach about 2,000 students a month, and how many students are currently enrolled on campus?” said Jonathan Morin, a student worker at the UTRGV Food Pantry. “And out of all those how many are actually hungry? A lot of students are like, ‘I don’t need the food, so I don’t need to go’ but they have one can of beans and a box of cereal at home. Students need to realize that they also, themselves, need help.”