Vaquero Voice

2 min read
Viviana Uriegas Estudiante de tercer año en ciencias biomédicas
Viviana Uriegas
Estudiante de tercer año en ciencias biomédicas



“Yo, ahorita, he estado teniendo muchos problemas para registrarme, en especial con las clases de biomedicina. Dice que necesitamos unos prerrequisitos pero ya los tomé todos o los voy a  completar el semestre que viene y ahorita están de que van a checar persona por persona y van a registrarnos [el departamento de biomedicina]. Pero creo que eso se va a tardar mucho y no voy a alcanzar a meter mis clases con el maestro que yo quiero, que necesito”.  






Elias Farias Business junior
Elias Farias
Business junior




“I feel like it’s one of the most hectic nights of the semester because everybody is just waiting for 11:59 [p.m.] to hit the clock. And, like, sometimes when you are registering, your class might be taken, so you have to redo your schedule all over again, and that is very frustrating. Then the next day you are really tired because you didn’t sleep at all.”







Richard Garza Theater/Television/Film junior
Richard Garza
Theater/Television/Film junior


“I’m actually getting advised today. I usually register really late, so I have trouble getting the classes I want. This time, I tried to do it as early as I could. I already checked some classes and they’re already filling up like crazy. I usually try a week before classes, actually, start but this major, classes fill up like crazy.”







Brianna Mendoza Marine biology freshman
Brianna Mendoza
Marine biology freshman


“I can’t register until [Nov. 17] at 12 a.m. I register late for this semester, so my schedule is way off. This time, I’m making sure my schedule for next semester is good.”

–Compiled by Ana Cahuiche and Gabriel Mata





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